Image Source: Google Images Many people began their Jiu-Jitsu training because they are interested in learning self-defense, want to improve their physical and mental health, or want to be around a great group of people. I had a background in Karate at a young age and felt the desire to carry on improving my martial arts skills throughout my life, which led me to Jiu-Jitsu. Being able to properly defend myself, having a rock-solid community, gaining newfound knowledge, and having the accomplishment of growing and sticking in something sounded epic. And guess what? It has been! But what could I have done better to make my Jiu-Jitsu journey easier at the start? To answer this introspective question and offer some "been there, done that" wisdom from someone who trains with and has met so many wonderful teammates; here are 5 simple tips for if you're starting Jiu-Jitsu and not only want to set yourself up for success training day after training day.... let's get into it...
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