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Showing posts from May, 2022

7 Ways To Overcome A Blue Belt Plateau In BJJ

For a lot of students of BJJ students, getting their blue belt is an opportunity and a curse. Many students view their blue belts as a way to the next level, and others believe that receiving the blue belt is the most prestigious achievement, and they stop training. Some students have quit BJJ after getting a blue belt. This is also referred to by the name "blue belt-itis." The present-day analyzes why people reach a BJJ plateau in blue belts and provides solutions to these issues. It could help cure any blue belt-related problem and help the blue belt continue his BJJ training. Here are 7 Ways To Cure Blue Belt-itis: Problem #1: Your enthusiasm for BJJ is decreasing It's not uncommon for people to become bored with every activity they engage in, especially when practicing for longer than one year. Instead of having a break from BJJ (you'll understand why after reading about #7), Why not speak about it with a teacher about his experience. You can be sure ...

7 Pieces of Advice To Become Expert in Brazilian jiu-jitsu

Image by Now that you've started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training , it's time to learn more about getting better at it. Here are seven tips that will help you become an expert at BJJ . Every BJJ student should know and use these seven tips to make a massive difference in their performance. Get ready. Not just BJJ, but every task you do requires preparation, and you can only do well if you've done it well. Eat enough calories before training, wear BJJ gear like a Gi, shorts, rash guard, etc., and show up on time. Be Consistent It's not enough to consistently show up to the training sessions; you also need to be consistent with all the essential things you've learned. Try to learn more about BJJ training and how some tips can help you get better at it. Don't take a break from training, and plan your other tasks around your BJJ training times. Always make sure you aren't missing out on something important that could hurt your training. For example, y...