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3 Reasons BJJ Surpasses Other Martial Arts

As a Jiu-Jitsu instructor, one of the most frequently asked questions is "How does Jiu-Jitsu differ from Karate/ Tae Kwon Do/Kickboxing ect ...?". Because of this frequent question, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the subject and developing my opinion of three key elements separating Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from other martial arts.

1. Content Depth. Nearly every martial art has striking techniques, grappling/throwing and weapon defence techniques. This is true for many Karate systems, Tae Kwon Do AND Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

The key difference lies in how much attention is given to each technique. Some arts train primarily in striking, while others are trained in weapons. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu focuses a large part of its time on defending strikes or weapons through throwing and grappling. We also train the finer details of grappling techniques to allow small people to subdue larger opponents.

Carlos and Helio Gracie - the founders of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - were not tall men. They had to find a way to use leverage to overcome aggression and strength in jiu-jitsu.

This is a great self-defence method that's also fun and exciting!

2. Application: This is the second major difference between most martial arts, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and other forms of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. It's the way the art and its techniques are applied. You will find that many martial arts require you to practice punching and kicking as your primary defence, with grappling only being used if the opponent grabs you. They believe in the "one-strike victory" mentality. They believe that striking can make you so strong that you can knock out anyone with just a few powerful strikes.

These techniques can be used to practice punching and kicking, but they are also used to distract from the opponent's striking distance.

They may throw them to the floor or apply joint locks or chokes. Through experience and practical application, we have learned that one strike knockouts can be very rare. Counting on them is not a good habit.

However, it is nearly impossible to avoid grappling in a defensive situation. Grappling is a part of almost every fight, whether between two people or an aggressive assault of any kind. Understanding grappling will help you avoid being hit hard and allow you to defeat even the most aggressive opponents. A


3. Training: The most significant difference between Gracie Jiu-Jitsu martial arts and other forms of martial art is the way they are taught. You will spend most of your time alone when training in other martial arts—kicking and punching in the air while moving from one end of the floor to another.

It's common to spend a lot of time practising forms and kicking and punching in pre-determined patterns.

While these are great for developing balance and endurance, they don't teach how to use the techniques. This is true even if you only do one step sparring. It's also a huge waste of time. It's a waste of time to go to school and practice things that can be taught once or twice, then continue practising at your own pace.

These other arts, often sparring, is done with very little contact. They don't know what might happen if they come into contact with their opponent in a defensive situation. You can see that people are able to take a lot of abuse, such as in boxing, MMA and kickboxing.

These matches can last for up to 15 minutes, and no one is ever knocked unconscious. We don't think striking is a good option.

Jiu-Jitsu is a sport where you train almost always with a partner. This will ensure that you have the best training experience possible. Your time is spent developing timing and reflexes that allow you to use the techniques in a real-world setting. You are training against an opponent trying to stop your moves.

The obvious benefit to this training method is that each participant can be certain that the moves they learn will work for them.

Jiu-Jitsu's consistent outcomes result from its rich content, the application of techniques, and the method of training. Sure, an opponent can be knocked out by a punch or head kick. This is often not the case. It'd be like using a gun that shoots occasionally and not always.

This doesn't make any sense. Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that consistently delivers results and has delivered them repeatedly. This is what sets Jiu-Jitsu apart from other martial arts.


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