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14 Habits of An Elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athlete

14 Habits of An Elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athlete

These are the characteristics and habits of Elite competitors that make them excel in their respective fields. The same applies to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu players. Elite athletes all have specific habits that make them successful in their sport.


You must be careful with your training and habits if you compete in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. To become an elite BJJ fighter, you must consider the big picture and incorporate your training accordingly.


These are 14 habits that a Brazilian Jiujitsu fighter has mastered, and they can help you achieve higher levels in the sport.


1. Keep up the good work with the training.


A champion fighter stays consistent in their training. It is said that "without consistency there are no champions." Whatever your sports career, consistency is the key to success.


Consistency is key to success in this sport. Athletes who train consistently will improve their skills. Particularly, when it comes to BJJ, whether you are competing in BJJ or No-Gi BJJ Competitions, you must be consistent in your training and fitness to win some gold.


It would be best if you learned this habit to become an elite BJJ fighter. This will help you not only achieve your goals but also make you stand out from other BJJ practitioners.


2. Pay Attention to Every Detail


A good coach or instructor will also teach you a valuable habit: paying attention to everything they say. BJJ is a sport that demands you to understand what you're doing and why.


This skill requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. This can be achieved by listening carefully to instructions given during class or training sessions.


This habit will help you not only learn about the sport but also in your daily life. During training, it is important to pay attention to every detail.


3. Keep your self-discipline intact.


To make you successful, no one can do it for you. No matter your industry, you must do all necessary to ensure your success. Only you can create the best plans to ensure your success and keep you on track. This is possible when self-discipline is developed.


Self-discipline can be key in keeping people motivated and achieving their goals. This is a crucial habit for a BJJ champion. Although it sounds difficult to develop such habits, consistent and regular practice makes it possible. You can begin with small, easier steps and then move on to more difficult ones.


Professional and experienced BJJ athletes always strive to be better than the average grappler.


4. Develop a growth mindset


You cannot progress significantly in any sport if you have an ego. You can't be objectively evaluated if you have an ego. To succeed in any area of your life, you must have a growth mindset.


To have a growth mindset, you must be able to let go of your ego and emotions when evaluating your performance and other habits. You will be more open to learning from other evaluators and feel less insulted and attacked.


This is your key to learning and improving your jiu jitsu. Your ability to bring your ego into the learning process can reduce your potential learning opportunities. You will also not achieve what you had hoped for when you first started jiu jitsu.


Athletes must learn to curb their ego and accept their mistakes to be a champion in BJJ.


5. Set goals


No matter what sport they choose, jiu jitsu or any other situation, every successful person starts their journey with a destination. You must set a goal for your journey to success.


It is important to plan properly with shorter and more specific goals to reach the highest rank of BJJ. This is what distinguishes elite players from average players.


All the BJJ fighters at the top of their game train with an end goal in mind to stay motivated. Visualizing your future goals can help you visualize them. A mission statement is a great way to define your training.


6. Prioritize things


Even the most organized people can have problems with responsibilities and daily life. To progress in the sport, you must make training your top priority.


Even if it is impossible to train, it is important to think about solutions and resume your BJJ training. You can also research and view videos to help you continue your training. It would be best if you focused more on your fundamentals than your movements to achieve the best results.


This habit is about assessing the place of BJJJ in your priorities and determining which aspect has the greatest value for your training. Every aspect of the curriculums at different BJJ Schools serves a purpose. It is up to each individual to determine which one has the greatest impact.


7. Keep Proactive


Professional BJJ athletes are always proactive in seeking learning opportunities to improve their skills and techniques. It is well-known that no one can learn Jiu-jitsu overnight. This means that it takes conscious effort to learn. BJJ is not something you can learn by just watching videos. You need to be able to understand the sport.


You must also be proactive and confident to excel as an athlete. Active players don't blame others for their mistakes but take responsibility and work on their weaknesses. They don't blame their opponents and instead work on their skills.


Be one of them, and be proactive in reaching your goals in Jiu-jitsu.


8. Win Only When You Think About It


People talk about win-win situations based on both sides engaging in business. But when it comes down to competition, your goal should be to change the odds in your favor. Pro-BJJJ fighters always look at every move in their favor and go on to the mat with a winning mentality. You will win all fights and competitions and leave your opponent behind.


When you register for a competition, you must give your best effort (100%) to make it a success. Professional fighters consider it a win to enter competitions because they are forced to perform in front of an audience.


Even if you don't compete in street fighting, you wouldn't want to make your opponents look bad or give them the upper hand. You would rather win for your survival. This mindset can be developed by sparring with other students at your school or academy.


9. Make changes


An elite BJJ fighter must be able to evaluate plans and make changes as necessary to move towards their goals.


While plans are important and an integral part of achieving your goals, it is vital that you can adapt to changing circumstances. To compete with other skill sets, you must be able to adapt to new skills and techniques.

BJJ is one of the most dynamic sports. 


This is evident because every BJJ enthusiast works on a new technique or modifies an existing one. You need to be able to learn new techniques and skills. You should also be able to adapt to changes in jiu jitsu rules and regulations. This will help you become more comfortable with them.


This habit can be developed by getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. This technique can improve your mental and physical abilities by exposing yourself to various stressors and unfavorable environments.


10. Seek New Challenges


A BJJ fighter who wants to be an elite BJJ champion should always look for new challenges. You will always benefit from taking on new challenges. It will help you improve your mental fortitude, patience, and resilience. It's not about competing with others; it's about being competitive with oneself.


You will always be open to new challenges. You will be able to learn from your opponents and how to overcome unfavorable situations.

You can also participate in scenario-based sparring matches with your sparring partners or even in inter-academy challenges to prepare for the actual competitions.


11. First, learn, then share


Elite BJJ fighters won't be selfish in keeping what they have to themselves, but they will share it all with others, even if they become better. Be active and productive in your pursuit of art, lifestyle, philosophy, and art. This will allow you to understand the art that you are studying.


You can use a notebook to make notes and make your learning more efficient so that you can share your knowledge in jiu jitsu. You will be able to review the lessons and better understand the next day. You will be able to ask the instructors more meaningful and insightful questions.

It will be easier to explain the art to others if you have a deeper understanding.


12. Network Effectively


Networking within your school and building relationships with other school fighters is another important habit that will help you become a top BJJ fighter. Engaging with them in friendly conversation, sharing your knowledge, and learning from theirs is the key to success. This will allow you to improve your game in many ways.


You can improve your art knowledge by working with others. This will allow you to develop new techniques, prototype them, and test them. This will allow you to outperform your opponent in the fight.


13. Roll with All


It is important to learn from all levels of BJJ players, including black belt holders and white belts. This will allow you to learn the mistakes made by lower belt holders and the techniques used by superior belt holders during fights and sparring sessions.


You will be able to build stronger relationships and synergies with your fellow class members, which is also vital for elite BJJ fighters.


14. Take Care of Your Cleanliness


You won't impact your sport if you don't care about cleanliness. Playing with people who don't care about cleanliness in their training clothes and Gi is not fun.


Keep your surroundings clean and tidy to make others feel at ease with you. You can be sparing but ensure that you are clean and don't release sweat odors that could make others uncomfortable.


15. Takeaway


Although it's impossible to form a habit overnight, it can be achieved by practicing good habits over a longer period. These habits are very effective. 


This skill is vital if you wish to become a top BJJ fighter and reach the highest ranks of this sport. These skills will help you improve your BJJ techniques and project a positive image to the rest of the world.



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