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Every person who begins BJJ training will have one question in common. How can I become proficient at BJJ quicker?

The quick answer is work. However, for those new to reading, let's discuss the subject more.

In the following article, we'll give you 8 suggestions on how to advance at BJJ quicker.

The following 8 tips are crucial for anyone who wants to learn how to become proficient in BJJ quicker. Read the tips below and implement them to make progress in Jiu-Jitsu.


It's difficult to answer since there's no specific date on when you'll become proficient. Certain people can make it in a year or less, but others may take many years.

However, black belts who practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu always feel their skills are not up to par. BJJ is a discipline that will constantly experience highs and lows, feeling as if you're either excellent or terrible.

Be aware that there is no instant success. It takes time and effort to become proficient in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


There is no way to figure out how to become proficient in BJJ other than the fact that you need to train regularly. It is the central aspect you need to do to become proficient in Jiu-Jitsu.

To advance faster in BJJ to improve your performance, you should ensure regular training is an element of your daily routine. Training between 2 and 5 days per week will help you gradually climb Brazilian JiuJitsu ranks.

The range between these two is the best option when looking to improve in BJJ.


In addition to continuous training, you should be able to let your ego go to your door and be attentive to your teacher's instruction. The instructor you train with has dedicated their entire life to BJJ and made an effort to become the best they can be.

They're more experienced than you and can teach BJJ on a level you aren't even able to comprehend yet. Therefore, the most effective way to learn is to be attentive to your instructor's words.

When you can listen and learn, you will begin to progress in the art of martial arts.


It's not just about getting better at what you do when you're on your mat. You also benefit from what you do off it. It's why many grapplers can improve their game by committing a portion of their time to exercises and strengthening.

Training and strengthening are things that separate BJJ players from those who are just hobbyists. Making time to build your fitness or cardio can significantly impact how you play your BJJ game.

The types that are a part of fitness and strength that you can perform to enhance your performance in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. These include:

  • Running

  • Weight Lifting

  • HIIT Training

  • Circuit Training

  • Crossfit Training

Combining these kinds of classes will have many positive effects on your BJJ. Remember, regular BJJ training will also benefit your strength and fitness.


Flexibility is another crucial aspect of becoming skilled at BJJ quicker. It's possible to claim that it's more important than working on exercises and strength.

In BJJ, the body is forced to take on positions it might not be used to. You're not flexible enough and can cause serious injuries if you're not vigilant.

To avoid injuries, make sure you take time each week to enhance your flexibility. At least 5-15 minutes each day to perform an exercise routine. Concentrate on dynamic stretches and yoga postures that increase your muscles' flexibility and help strengthen your joints.

If you make sure to stretch each day If you do, you reduce your chances of suffering an injury due to not being flexible.


If you're not a teenager who can eat whatever you want without fear of consequences, You must concentrate on your nutrition. The best BJJ athletes took their skills beyond the limits after understanding their diet's importance.

We will not advocate any specific diet, but we will provide two essential suggestions to be aware of. Make sure you drink plenty of water and follow a healthy diet of organic food items.

You are only suitable for the foods you put into it. If you focus on your diet, you'll notice significant gains with your BJJ.


The most important thing to consider in addition to your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practice will be rehabilitation. Recovery and rest are something that many people fail to put first.

Doing all you can for as long as you want might sound like a great idea, but the reality is that it isn't long-term. In the end, your body will begin to fall apart if you don't optimize your recovery. You'll find yourself in the endless cycle of burning before rebuilding yourself.

This is why you must be focused on recovering. Try to get between 6 and 8 hours of rest each night, and listen to your body. If you're feeling achy or injured, you should take an extra day off and then return to work after you feel more comfortable.

In this way, you'll be able to improve your training regularly.


The subject was discussed earlier within the piece; however, we'll elaborate on the topic further. If you want to become proficient at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you must let your ego go to the gate.

BJJ is a style of fighting that will make you humble, particularly if you do not let your pride go as you begin training.

You'll lose many times over, and if you are ego-driven, you're probably not going to last very long. Your team members won't want to train with you, and your teacher will not like to instruct you.

It is why you should remain humble and not show any ego to improve in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


Perhaps the most helpful advice for learning how to improve your Jiu-Jitsu is. Just don't quit.

Please don't get too caught up in the time it takes you to improve your skills in BJJ. It's important that you are enjoying the journey and don't give up.

The majority of black with experience can tell you they have the same. The fighters who reach black belts aren't always the greatest. They're the ones who did not quit.

Becoming better at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is about practising consistently and never giving up.


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