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20+ Tips on Improving Your Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Game

Tips on Improving Your Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Game

Goal oriented training

It is best to focus on a specific technique or area during each rolling session. When I come to training, I will think, "Today I will work on passing the butterfly guard". Consider telling your training partners about this and starting in those positions.


Consistent Training


Make BJJ a priority in your life by training 3-5 times a week. Those who attend the best classes are generally the best students. Keep a schedule for yourself and don't let anything interrupt it.


The best guys have put in countless hours to achieve their goals, but there are some who get good quickly.


If you miss classes or training weeks, your game will never improve as fast as it should.



Take advantage of your training partners


Keep track of who has the best guard, takedowns, passing, pins, and escapes. Let them use their strengths as you work with them. You can track your progress and highlight your mistakes this way. 


You know you're seriously improving when you consistently overcome their strong points. Whenever I know that someone has a slick bottom game, I don't pull my guard back.


Study your teammates' games and try to learn their effective moves when you aren't sparring. As they spar, review it in your head. 


Think about how you would counter such a move, or when you could use it. Observe how they adjust the technique so that it works better for them.


Ask your instructor questions


The most common thing I see is brown and black belts teaching class and asking, “Any questions or things you want to work on?” There is silence among everyone. 


Unless you are an absolute phenom, there will always be situations where you feel unsure.


Try new things


This is always done with white belts. Whenever I am working with beginners, I will try a new move or setup. The more advanced guys will probably not be able to pull it off if you are still unsure about some parts. 


Currently, I'm learning the twister, so I roll whenever possible with white belts or new blues. Therefore, you're challenged when you roll against less skilled competitors.


Focus on one area at a time until you feel like it's one of your strengths, then move on to another. Anyone close to your level will have a hard time passing, and anyone advanced will have an even harder time. You can then add your sweeps. 


You can move on to subs from the guard once you are able to sweep blues easily and occasionally higher belts.


Individual attention


When you take private lessons, you'll be able to learn a great deal from your instructor. When you roll with them or have them watch you roll with someone who usually beats you, ask them for feedback.


Train at different gyms


The ability to see things from a new perspective greatly benefited me. It will also sharpen your moves if you roll with people you don't know. 


Do not fall into the "big fish in a small pond syndrome" if you are the most technical person in your academy.


Compete as often as possible


Competition is the environment in which your true skills are revealed. As well as helping you determine your position in the larger scheme of things, it gives you a realistic picture of where you stand against other guys at your belt level.


Teach new guys


When you get a pure beginner to perform a move 100% accurately, you know you've got it down. Making sure you understand every little detail of a technique is good practice.


Roll until you are exhausted at every training session


There are many guys who pack up and head home after barely working out. The instructors always tell me to train until they have to lock up and leave. 


When you train when you have no strength left, even if you get your ass kicked by someone of lower rank, you'll improve your game mentally and physically considerably.


Cardio is a technique you use to keep fit. No matter how knowledgeable you are, if you are afraid that you will run out of breath, you will not be able to communicate effectively.


Your lungs must be able to handle constant movement and explosiveness in order to really open up your game and keep pressure on your opponent.


Train in inferior positions


Do not resist your training partners' attempts to get your back, pass your guard, or mount you. If they believe they got the position legitimately, they are likely to get excited and work really hard for it, which is good for you. 


Focus on avoiding submissions in the inferior position, then work on your escapes. As a result, you will be more comfortable even in the worst of situations, which in my opinion makes the difference between an inexperienced grappler and a more experienced one.


Have a good balance between top and bottom


It will be my goal to pass and tap them from side control if I tap someone from my guard. In the event the top tap hits me, I'll pull guard. 


The reason I neglected my top game as a new blue belt was because I could tap most people from the bottom; it was an ego issue. My current way of rolling is to alternate between top and bottom, never neglecting either.


Find someone who can manhandle you


Sparring with the toughest students should never be avoided. Each time, spar with the best guy you can find, as well as heavy guys, quick guys, and guys with unlimited endurance. 


When you are a beginner or intermediate grappler, you do not need to be brilliant; instead, use that time to expand your game and test the positions you know against more experienced grapplers.


Drill things to death


Spend ten minutes working on the techniques you've been taught over the last few days before or after you roll. Drilling should take place one day a week. 


Repeat techniques and sequences for at least 30 minutes to 45 minutes on that day. Despite the fact that it's boring and I hate doing it, it is extremely helpful.


While it is boring, many of the best guys I know drill a basic movement with a partner as part of their training sessions.




Work on positions that fit your game and spar with them until they are reliable against everyone. When my all-around game was weak, I knew I could use one sweep from my half-guard to catch just about anyone. 


No matter what level they were, if I got the underhook in the half-guard, I would sweep them. Every position needs such a technique against tougher opponents.


After learning set-up for those specialized techniques and areas, you will branch out from there, leading to you developing your own style and game.

Share your tricks

Don't be afraid to share your tricks with anyone who asks. You will face more competition as they improve. You will inevitably become tougher when you have tough competition.

Use training sessions as a time to learn not win


Consider a move you would like to make and the situation that would require it. During sparring sessions, it is more important to pull off that move/moves than to win the match.


For me, executing a move you've wanted to implement in your game is more important than tapping your teammate in class. You're always happy when you finally get a move you've wanted for a long time, even if it results in you getting tapped. 


Playing your best game is what tournaments are all about; classes are about experimenting.



It's not just about the mat when it comes to training. There is also a role played by a person's mind. When you are learning a technique or having difficulty executing a certain move, it can be helpful. Think about how you might improve your technique in your head. 


Imagine your movements and how you will defeat your opponent in your mind. As an additional recommendation, I recommend "The Mind Gym" as a book that will assist you in training your mind.


Be Technical


When you're practicing, you shouldn't go full force and maul your partners. We are at a time when we can learn and improveIt is true that sometimes you want to win in class.n. Sometimes you want to win in class, but usually you want to improve and become more proficient. 


It is important to focus on good technique before adding your attributes. As time goes on, it will become easier and easier. When you are muscling out of position or using your speed to accomplish your goal, consider what you can do instead.


It's always a good idea to "ASK QUESTIONS" when you are unsure. You can reduce your energy consumption by using more techniques.


Don’t Ever Forget The Basics


It is common for people to become engrossed in the latest technologies. It depends on which one you're looking at. Some of them are great, while others are not. Keeping the basics in mind is also important. The majority of major matches are won using basic strategies if you watch any major tournament. 


A lack of proficiency in the basics prevents you from expanding upon the skills you already possess and adding any new techniques.


Train Takedowns


The stand-up game is often overlooked in BJJ schools, even though it is a ground fighting art. The majority of altercations begin on the ground, and ALL tournaments begin on the ground as well. 


In particular, as you move up the ranks you will see that more and more people are becoming more comfortable with takedowns.


You gain a lot of confidence when you decide where and when the fight will go to the ground. 


Taking your opponent down not only gives you a physical advantage, but it also gives you a mental advantage because you felt confident on your feet and you startedled your opponent because you made the fight your own. 


Being able to stand in front of your opponent without being afraid to get taken down and pull guard is always nice.


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