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Showing posts with the label Jiu-Jitsu

10 Pieces of Advice for BJJ White Belts

  Images Source: Google Images 1.) REST AND BREATHE The first step is to first relax. Nearly every BJJ beginner acts like an animal in the beginning. It is important to practice moving in a relaxed, controlled way. Breathe! It's common sense, yet so crucial. Don't panic. You're not fighting for your life. 2.) JUST WIGGLE In the second, play around if you're unsure of the best way to go about it. That's exactly what I do the majority of the time. If I come across the opportunity to do something, I employ the technique. It's not always likely to be considered a technique. Most of the time, you'll do simple actions like placing your knee on the ground or pressing against your opponent's chest. Always be active. Don't just lie on the couch. Interrupt your adversaries. Engage in anything that will distract them; however, don't wear yourself out. When I'm at low, I make small nudges to prevent them from being relaxed. I don't spend a lot of ene


Image Source: Google Images One of the most frequent questions we get asked Jiu Jitsu is, "How can I make the most of my training and journey?" There are no two options to this. It is essential to take proper care of yourself if you are planning to continue to train. This means ample sleep, eating well and, most importantly, paying attention to your body. Each muscle group is not exempt from getting sore, because BJJ or Muay Thai are a great way to exercise parts of your body that you do normally employ. It's not just about testing your body, but these combat activities can mentally stimulate you too. What could you be doing to help make training more easy to handle? We've put together some fantastic strategies that can significantly improve the experience you have during your journey. 1. Drink plenty of water prior to and after Training Your body is composed from 60-60% water. Engaging in a vigorous exercise routine like martial arts will cause you to sweat. The body

5 Basic BJJ Movements Beginners Need To Perfect

Image Source: Google Image If you're determined to increase your abilities as a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) practitioner, there are a few fundamental actions you should master. These are the fundamental movements of BJJ training and constitute an integral element of many methods you'll learn throughout the years. Without further delay, we'll take a look at a few of the moves that form the foundation of the majority of BJJ techniques : 1) Bridging and Shrimping It's not uncommon for people to compare BJJ to an actual language. Basic moves like bridging and shrimping are words, the techniques are sentences, and playing across the mat is a way to talk.  Like in any other language, when you don't know the basics of words or have an inadequate vocabulary, you'll be unable to put sentences together. Bridging and shuffling are two key terms in the BJJ dictionary that you should be aware of. These fundamental BJJ techniques can tie the various techniques you are learnin

8 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Guard

Image Source: Google Images Guard is the primary place of the art of gentleness, and without a thorough knowledge of it, you can't be considered a skilled Jiu Jitsu . Here are some tips I've learned over the years that have benefited my game greatly. If you can absorb their knowledge of them, they will also help boost your defence. 8. Live Hips While your grips and upper-body muscles play an essential role in the game of the bottom, your lower body drives your defence. When you perform most sweeps and submissions, the power is created and applied via your legs and hips.  Sit with a trainer in your guarded position, and then ask him to put both hands around his neck. Do the same for yourself. Then try flipping his body using a simple scissor sweep. If you aren't able to flip the guy over with precision, then you're not effectively using the force through your hips. Learn how to move your hips in as many different planes as possible, and practice them doing exercises. Two

Top 6 Tips For Older Jiu Jitsu Players

Image Source: Google Images It was composed by Leigh Remedios, Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Traditional Ju Jitsu, and Tae Kwon Do. Leigh is a renowned athlete and has participated internationally in martial arts, such as his participation in UFC and Polaris. He has won numerous important competitions, including his NAGA UK Grappling championship belt and European IBJJF no-gi gold medals. Leigh is the director of an academy of Jiu Jitsu and MMA Academy in Wiltshire, UK. As a professional player (over 30), I often get asked how I keep myself healthy and free of injuries. At 46, I'm not old-fashioned. However, I've been relatively healthy compared to people my age. Naturally, I experience minor aches, and occasionally it's more severe, but thus far, I've never had any permanent issues. There is an element of genetics that contributes to my good health. However, I also seem to get older faster than other members of my own family. Here are some suggestions to ke

5 Most Important Tips For BJJ Beginners 2022

Image Source: Google Images Beginners in BJJ face many challenges. Using our tips and tricks, you'll be able to overcome all your struggles and improve your BJJ ability. There is no doubt that BJJ is one of the most challenging martial arts in the world. It takes years to become proficient on the mats and understand the science behind each move. It's not surprising that BJJ beginnings are also hard. As well as being the hardest martial arts style, they are also the most difficult. Beginners must eat lots of humble pies. You will also feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to learn. Even though the beginnings are challenging and painful, they are just a test you must pass in order to succeed and enjoy BJJ. Even after a few sessions, many students leave the mats and never return. You will breathe BJJ for the rest of your life if your body and ego survive the first few months. In my opinion, the journey of every BJJ student begins as an emotional roller-coaster

11 BJJ Training Tips for Absolute Beginners

Image Source: Google Images The decision you made to begin training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is worthy of congratulations from us all from MTG. However, congratulations alone won't prepare you for the future. Like any other new venture, you're likely to be overwhelmed, anxious and have many questions. We put together eleven suggestions to help you through the beginning phases of your education. Here. We. Go! Being addicted to the essential principles of every master of every discipline will teach you something at the beginning of the journey. Concentrate on basics. This is especially relevant to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since most techniques can be found in a handful of fundamental concepts. For instance, once you can master the closed Guard, you'll be able to understand what and when to take on this type of position. Moving from complete beginner to the first and second stripe white belts, we aim to move away from bridges and hip escapes to more advanced techniques. Since, l