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10 Pieces of Advice for BJJ White Belts


10 Pieces of Advice for BJJ White Belts
Images Source: Google Images


The first step is to first relax. Nearly every BJJ beginner acts like an animal in the beginning. It is important to practice moving in a relaxed, controlled way. Breathe!

It's common sense, yet so crucial. Don't panic. You're not fighting for your life.


In the second, play around if you're unsure of the best way to go about it. That's exactly what I do the majority of the time. If I come across the opportunity to do something, I employ the technique. It's not always likely to be considered a technique. Most of the time, you'll do simple actions like placing your knee on the ground or pressing against your opponent's chest.

Always be active. Don't just lie on the couch. Interrupt your adversaries. Engage in anything that will distract them; however, don't wear yourself out. When I'm at low, I make small nudges to prevent them from being relaxed. I don't spend a lot of energy on these feints. In addition, I prefer to turn one of my opponent's wrists to keep him occupied. This is an opportunity to distract him, but not true submission.


Another suggestion is to practice using the skill. Don't solely rely on speed or strength as the majority of the beginner. Use the momentum of your opponent to beat him. Consider the place where your opponent's weight is. Then, push or pull him towards the direction where it is weak.

It's not easy to begin with these activities. It cannot be easy to accomplish. It may not be easy initially, but you will get better at it. After months of practicing, you'll be more proficient than those who rely on speed or strength alone. BJJ is called gentle art. I was taught this in the final stages of the blue belt. However, I'm still learning this day in and day out.


Don't be lying flat in your rear. Although there are some exceptions to this rule, generally speaking, you should lean to the side while you are on your lower part of the body.

If you're in the lead, attempt to knock your opponent. Make him squish hard. You are making it difficult for him to breathe.


A different tip for novices is to concentrate on improving your escapes. Don't stress about submission right now. Concentrate on becoming proficient at the following:

Escaping side control

Exiting the mountain

Escaping back mount

Passing guard

Then you will be able to learn how to submit. In the end, you must be in the top position to utilize these techniques. A good way to get skilled at escaping is through positional sparring. The term "positional sparring" means focusing on one particular position.

For example, you can set a timer to run at one-minute intervals. You lie in a position on the back. Your opponent attempts to keep your back with the side of his body as best as possible. He isn't trying to subdue you. You attempt to get away.

If you escape, you win. If you do not run within one minute, you're out. After the timer has gone off, the roles change. Repeat the process several times. This can be done in any position and not only side control. This exercise can help you improve your skills in escaping faster than rolling. But, it is important to practice both positional and rolling.


6) Use your hair longer

Another suggestion is to work your hips harder. I learned this following an injury to my shoulder. Each time I pulled with my right hand, I felt an intense discomfort in my shoulders. It was very frustrating. I considered going on a month-long break from BJJ, but I decided to do it differently. As I was rolling with my right hand, it was stuck to my left lapel all the duration. I never let go.

So I could not utilize my arms anymore to push. I was forced to move using my hips and knees. My BJJ improved quickly. It's amazing how an injury can be beneficial. Don't let your injuries hold you back. Instead, it would be best if you worked around them.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is about increasing leverage. This usually involves using your most powerful part, the hips, in opposition to your foe. There are many ways to work your hips, but the majority of the time, it's about.

Your legs wrapped around your opponent, drawing him into

Your legs are wrapped around your opponent, trying to push the opponent away.

By putting your knees against the opponent and then moving the opponent away

Your opponent to the ground with your shoulder or chest

Your movements should feel effortless. You must practice the moves if they require a lot of exertion or strength. This can take months of training, but you should begin working on it now.


Another suggestion is to be patient. Getting good at BJJ takes time. No one becomes a pro overnight unless in movies. Take the time to learn to love the process. People who love playing BJJ persevere and improve their skills. However, those who are obsessed with advancing are often frustrated and quit.


In the end, very few earn an income from jiu-Jitsu. If you're not an expert or train every day for 30 hours, you're unlikely to be among the few. Don't be concerned about getting more proficient. Instead, it would be best if you focused on enjoying the exercise.

Join the people you enjoy rolling with the most possible. I don't play with anyone more than me because I find it boring. It's possible that you feel differently but. Most of the time, I roll with people of my height and size.

Additionally, set a smaller target for each exercise. For example, it could read, "do 20 repetitions from an arm bar drill". Each practice will be unique and different. Make sure to keep trying and have fun while you are practicing BJJ.


Another suggestion is to roll as many times as possible during practice. Keep your routine as long as you can. You can improve your skills in BJJ by moving harder and learning new techniques. Most people master a handful of methods. They become very proficient at them.


My final tip to help you master BJJ is probably the most crucial. It's to be humble. What is the significance of humility? If you can let go of the burden of your ego, You won't be fighting for your life so much. You'll be more relaxed. You won't feel upset if you're exhausted. You'll be able to try new things. You'll gain more knowledge. You'll not get injured as often. You'll be able to exercise more. Understand?

In my younger years, I was suffering from an acute ego issue. I was a self-esteem-based person who based it on unimportant things such as the strength of my character or how skilled I was in BJJ. When someone would tap me out, I would think about the incident. In the end, however, I was able to let it go. Instantly, everything improved.

You'll quickly realize that you're not as hard when you first begin BJJ. You know what? This is fine. Being a better athlete doesn't guarantee to be more of a person. Being humble does. Accept your limitations, and you'll become better in BJJ faster.


Although I'm not the most skilled Purple belt, I enjoy practicing Jiu-Jitsu. In addition, I've made great progress in the last year without injuries.


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