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Improve Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Skills With These 6 Exercises

Improve Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Skills With These 6 Exercises

Exercise regularly, whether you train alone or take classes in Houston, will help you improve your jiu jitsu skills. Martial arts skills can be improved by staying active in general, but some exercises perform better than others. A workout that complements your training should include these six exercises.


  1. Sparring.

Exercises that keep the focus on fighting even after a long day of training may help people improve their fighting skills. Sparring is the best exercise for this, but there are other options. Practicing your techniques and improving your reaction times can be accomplished through this form of exercise.

For many people, finding a sparring partner outside of the gym can be challenging. Making new friends in class is the first step to making friends. The experience is even better if you enroll with family and friends. Consequently, you can spar at the park or in your backyard without having to change your regular schedule.

  1. Sprints

Many people focus on strength training only to improve their grappling skills since grappling requires a lot of strength. I think this is a mistake. In order to keep muscles moving, cardio is often just as important as weight lifting. When you sprint, you push yourself for short bursts of energy, which is exactly what you need to win a match or spar.

Timers are useful when sprinting. If you want to focus on running, you can also ask someone else to keep track of the time for you. Gradually work up to one minute sprints, starting with 15 seconds. Keep doing this for 20 minutes at a time.

  1. Burpees

Any gym or workout session probably has this exercise on its list of least-favorite exercises. In spite of this, there is no doubt that they are effective, as they help strengthen your heart. In addition to strengthening the entire body, burpees also improve hip mobility.

You can start off by making 50 of them. You may need to break them up if necessary. Increase the number of sets per set over time, working your way up to 100. Whenever you do burpees, pace yourself so that you don't need to rest. The act of resting can lead to a loss of momentum.

  1. Squats

Squats are excellent exercises for conditioning the body to manage its own weight. The lower body benefits from them as well as the upper body. For grapplers who struggle to maintain lower-body strength or who want to concentrate primarily on lower-body techniques, this exercise is ideal.

It's a good idea to use weights when performing squats. You can gradually increase the weight from one dumbbell to two dumbbells over time. Smith Machines and barbells are commonly used by people, but they can cause excessive bulking.

  1. Pull-ups

You can improve both your grip and your upper-body strength with exercises like chin-ups. In a fight, you will be better prepared to handle someone else's weight as you learn to lift your own weight. Using pull-up machines at the gym can make it easier for you to reach the bar.

Practice these first, then practice not using the machine's assistance at all. The machines will not teach you how to manage your own weight if you become too dependent on them. Keep practicing pull-ups, so use a crossbar over a doorway at home to improve your pull-ups.

  1. Short Treadmill Run

There is nothing quite like a treadmill when it comes to cardio. Running on a treadmill increases your endurance and lung capacity. When you work out, just a 10- to 20-minute run will help you put on lean muscle rather than bulk.

Many students believe that bulk allows you to overpower someone, but this is not always true. Sparring takes place within your own weight class anyway. As well as requiring more oxygen and energy, massive muscles also consume more calories. Conversely, lean muscles give your fighting techniques that extra boost of strength and power they need to succeed.


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